Hair has no Gender

Aligning with The Dresscode Project to provide a safer space for the LGBTQ2S+ community

Dress Code Project logo

RedBloom is proud to announce that we have become a member of The Dresscode Project! 🏳️‍🌈 We see all kinds of people come into our salons but we feel a special obligation to be a safer space for the marginalized and are proud to not only accept but embrace the LGBTQ2S+ community, which is why we are so excited to join this project!

The Dresscode Project is a global alliance of salons/shops committed to providing positive, gender-affirming services for LGBTQ2S+ clients. The project is led by stylist and salon owner Kristin Rankin [They/Them pronouns] who started the movement after a first-time transgender client tagged her in a tweet saying it was the first time she’d felt like a woman while getting her hair cut. That sparked something for Rankin and from there - Dresscode Project was initiated.

inclusion, diversity, equality, alliance, safer space. The dresscode project logo

Although the Professional Beauty Industry has always been considered a safer space for people within the LGBTQ2S+ communities, we still have a long way to go with education, acceptance and understanding and we hope to do our best to get there! The Dresscode Project will help us support our commitment to a safer space with resources and training with the goal that ALL people have the opportunity to access services and express themselves without the constraints of conforming to traditional gender norms.

gender free haircut club with hands and scissors. A dresscode project logo

Hair truly has no gender, and that is why our services are charged off skill, time and hair length. We also have gender neutral bathrooms in our salons and lucky for us, we have amazing staff and clients that are part of the LGBTQ2S+ and we hope they always feel welcome, comfortable and safer in our space. So if that’s you, know that we are here to support you and accept you.

Happy Pride YYC!!!


For more information on the Dresscode Project check out their website at


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